Meet Our International Engineering Ambassador – Malik Haider Ali

Why did you choose your course?

Living within the digital age, the advancement in technology has always enticed my curious mind. Watching the use of robot as a vacuum on TV as a kid to its current use in robot-assisted surgery in order to perform complex procedures with enhanced precision and flexibility has inflamed my curiosity throughout the year, about the inner complexities of these robots and what made them so versatile to be able to reach the level of accuracy and precision otherwise not humanly possible. This has driven me to study mechatronic and robotics engineering as it integrates all branches of engineering allowing me to explore not only the external making of a machine but also its electrical and programming aspect.

What have you enjoyed most about your course so far?

I like my schedule being evenly spread throughout the week, which leaves me enough free time to enjoy my hobbies. The lecturers encourage us to challenge ourselves and take us on an educational journey far beyond the syllabus. The engineering course is at the forefront of research and innovation and being taught by the leaders in the field is truly exciting as they challenge us to develop unique solutions, igniting creativity within us and helping us follow in their brilliant footsteps.

What do you think about Sheffield as a city?

Coming from the concrete jungle of Dubai, the quiet, relaxing, and green city of Sheffield is like a breath of fresh air. Sheffield is almost designed for students from the student friendly accommodation to the variety of different cuisines on London Road and West Street that cater to people from all walks of life. Sheffield is also situated very close to Peak District National Park, the perfect place to enjoy the beautiful sites and get away from the stress of deadlines and soak in the gift mother nature has given us.

Have you got any particular academic achievements or extra-curricular achievements you’d like to highlight?

Before joining Sheffield, I had only heard about people creating robots that surround us but never thought I could ever create one myself but within a few months itself I have also successfully programmed my first robot to clear an obstacle course. Additionally, as a volleyball fan I finally got a chance to actually play it and thanks to the volleyball society I have improved my skills immensely and hope to join the university’s official team soon.

What are your ambitions after completing your degree?

In my final year, I hope to be able to join a pharmaceutical company that specialises in prosthetic technology. Because it has always been my passion to help people who are less fortunate than myself and I hope that the work I do to improve prosthetic technology will better the lives of many such people around the world.

What would you say to a younger student if they are considering studying engineering/science/maths at university?

Do not be afraid to fail, everything in science is made from failing constantly till you finally succeed. So, when you first come to university don’t let the fear of failure stop you from trying new things.

Meet Our International Engineering Ambassador – Ekieoniso Samuel Roman

Why did you choose your course?

I chose Mechatronics and Robotics course as it gives me the necessary skills needed to innovate or upgrade devices in the future. This is due to an innate passion and satisfaction gained from making a device which can be beneficial to a large population and make work easier. My first satisfaction was when I built a mini pencil sharpener using broken parts and materials. This was a very useful project, and I would love to continue making more advanced devices in the future.

What have you enjoyed most about your course so far?

I have thoroughly enjoyed the practical elements of the course. I believe the course is well structured and there is adequate time each week to practice our skills and apply the knowledge gained from lectures. I have found these to be truly beneficial. In addition, I enjoy the element of teamwork incorporated into the practical classes. Furthermore, I have enjoyed the friendliness of some teachers, in that, they are approachable to ask questions and they respond promptly and adequately to the questions asked.

What do you think about Sheffield as a city?

Sheffield is a student-friendly society in that there are many student buildings, accommodations and varieties of shops close-by. I have also enjoyed cheap mode of transportation through Sheffield transport discounts, another reason for Sheffield being student friendly. Furthermore, for the short while I have lived here, I have found Sheffield to be safe to live in. All these are beneficial to both home and international students.

Have you got any particular academic achievements or extra-curricular achievements you’d like to highlight?

Firstly, I have had an outstanding academic background. This is showcased by an A* in Mathematics at college level and being one of my school representatives for an American Mathematics Competition (AMC) which I partook in twice. Regarding extracurricular activities, a notable one was during my time as a player in a football team. I played the defense role in the game which was quite new to me as I have always been a forward player. Nonetheless, we all played well and with great teamwork, we won the tournament of eight (8) football teams.

What are your ambitions after completing your degree?

My future ambition is to improve the depth of mechatronics in the security field, at home and abroad, to assist in eliminating threats to people’s lives. This is necessitated by the incessant security challenges faced, home and abroad. With the above goal in mind, it is my aim to contribute towards a future with affordable security systems.

What would you say to a younger student if they are considering studying engineering/science/maths at university?

My best advice for any prospective student is to make sure he or she hone their Mathematics skills because most mechatronics relies on the principles of Mathematics. Also, ensure to start any assignment or coursework ahead of time rather than piling them up in order to avoid a rushed work. Ensure to revise each lecture on a weekly basis for better and easier understanding. Lastly, engage in extracurricular activities for a better work life balance.

Meet Our International Engineering Ambassador – Aryaman Chandak

Why did you choose your course?

I chose mechatronics and robotics engineering because it was a blend of mechanical and electronics engineering. This meant that I was able to learn to the best possible degree how modern machines worked. My motivation behind studying engineering was always to learn how machines worked. I always wanted to be able to create anything that came to my mind like Tony Stark or Nikola Tesla and this degree always me to do that best in today’s time.

What have you enjoyed most about your course so far?

The thing I have most enjoyed about my course so far is a mixture of certain labs and certain lectures. One of my modules on control engineering has been particularly fascinating regarding the real-world applications of the theory we are learning for example how do you get the water in a bath to remain at a selected temperature. At the same time, some of my labs have been extremely interesting and exciting, the other day we were given a piece of equipment that is a smaller version of a factory’s conveyor belts and we were to design how objects on the conveyor belt were sorted. We have tried to find the tensile strength of chocolate and learned to create circuits on breadboards. The collaborative nature of our course means that not only do we do labs with partners but also that we have a project each semester that we do in a group this semester we are to code a robot that follows a line and changes lanes among other things.

What do you think about Sheffield as a city?

I think very highly of Sheffield as a city. Since it is not such a huge city, it means that our university can be a proper city university while not being extremely crowded and expensive. But at the same time, the city of Sheffield is not small at all. The city has everything you will need and all the different shops and restaurants at a small walk away from the university showing truly how centrally placed the university campus. But everything you might need access to can be accessed using the various forms of public transport. I am extremely happy to be living in Sheffield and wouldn’t choose any other city as home.

Have you got any particular academic achievements or extra-curricular achievements you’d like to highlight?

I play lacrosse for the University team and was recently elected the treasurer of the Lacrosse Club. I am also a part of the Fencing Club, Indian Society and ACSE Society.

What are your ambitions after completing your degree?

As I am not very sure which industry I want to work in I can’t say for certain my ambitions immediately after completing my degree. Overall I wish to be able to live in London for a few years and travel, based on the career path I choose I might even choose to do another degree. One of my main goals is to one day start my own company and that is ultimately what I am looking to work towards.

What would you say to a younger student if they are considering studying engineering/science/maths at university?

I would say make sure to follow your passion and only choose the degree you want to do but also try new things and explore engineering both theoretically and practically if that means breaking open broken machines to see what’s inside do that. I would also say to always have a curious and learning mindset you will be able to learn from people at the University of Sheffield and finally develop a hobby outside STEM. Hobbies I developed outside STEM have helped me both mentally and physically and I can’t imagine my life without them.

Meet Our International Engineering Ambassador – Simon Desir

Why did you choose your course?

With a keen interest in both Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, I searched for degrees which encompassed both. I believed that Mechatronics was the right fit as I was intrigued by not only robotics but also coding. Although I am uncertain of my exact desired profession, the interdisciplinary nature of a Mechatronics degree equips me with a strong foundation needed to understand and apply technologies in a myriad of fields, for example Renewables, Automated Systems, 3D manufacturing/printing, Medical Technology and Artificial Intelligence.

What have you enjoyed most about your course so far?

I always felt like I grasped the theoretical aspect of modules easily, however when it came to practical work within laboratory sessions, it was challenging to apply it. Here at the University of Sheffield, the practical work and hands-on-tasks integrated within all my modules connect the theoretical knowledge learnt in class to the real world seamlessly. I enjoy this very much. I am able to clearly see where contents I have learnt in lectures are applicable to the real world. A few interesting projects I’ve worked on since being at University consist of : programming a microcontroller for a robot, working with Arduinos, as well as developing ladder logic for a Programmable Logic Controller!

What do you think about Sheffield as a city?

I believe that living in Sheffield allows persons to have the best of both worlds. With countless green spaces, unwinding is always a walk away. Sheffield’s love for integrating nature deeply resonates with me because it makes me feel close to home. I was born and raised in Saint Lucia (in the Caribbean) and having so many attractive green spaces nearby reduces my daily worries. Moreover, attending University near the city centre comes with added advantages as well, especially if your city centre is as beautiful as Sheffield’s.

Coming from a very small island with a little over 180,000 persons, I am not used to very bustling and fast-paced environments nor am I used to such a wide variety of stores. Sheffield’s City Centre, from all the exploring I have done so far, has been able to strike the right balance. The City Centre and Moor which are easily accessible, integrates green spaces, and are not overwhelming, is ideal for me!

I feel truly blessed to be able to walk down to the city centre and get items that I need from a wide variety of stores, but I also love being a bus-ride away from the Peaks where I am to ground myself and meditate.

Have you got any particular academic achievements or extra-curricular achievements you’d like to highlight?

Throughout my first year thus far, I’ve taken an interest in many societies as a way of meeting new people and trying new things. My participation within these societies has also allowed me to adjust into the new city and academic culture here at Sheffield. I’d firstly like to highlight that I am a member of ACSE Assist, a departmental society aimed at preparing students within my department for examinations. I was involved in delivering a module overview for Digital and Embedded Systems last semester. Being a part of this society has allowed me to consolidate my knowledge of modules, improve my communication skills and increase my self-confidence.

Secondly, I’ve recently joined the Technical Service Committee of the University’s Student Union. This group is geared at developing student hands-on skills through the preparation and organisation of event nights at the University. We are responsible for lights, sound and visuals at the University Club Nights.

Additionally, I am a Volunteering Ambassador, a member of Engineering without Borders Sheffield as well as work-part time at the University Student’s Union to name a few.

What are your ambitions after completing your degree?

I am still not entirely sure what desired profession I’d like to go into; however, I find myself drawn to Automated and Control Systems. Both Robotics and Automation are increasingly becoming the reality across a vast range of sectors, and I’m currently interested in contributing to its integration.

What would you say to a younger student if they are considering studying engineering/science/maths at university?

  1. Use your early academic years to try as many new things as possible and identify your passions.
  2. Be patient and continue working diligently. You are not even close to tapping into your true potential!

Meet Our International Engineering Ambassador – Harsh Machhiyava

Why did you choose your course?

With the growing number of emerging technologies and the evolution of Artificial Intelligence, the future will be highly based on automation. Mechatronics is an integration of several engineering fields combined into one. This includes Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic, computer science, control systems, and Robotic engineering. Due to the diverse nature of this course, it provides me with several career options meaning it is quite an open degree. It will give me the flexibility to specialize in the field I like the most.

What have you enjoyed most about your course so far?

The labs have been the most enjoyable part for me, it provides me with an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real-life application. In addition to that, they provide me with hands-on experience and an insight into how things work in the industry as well as enable me to develop soft skills such as team-working and communication skills. So far, we have had 2 Robot projects, one involved programming the robot to avoid obstacles and move towards the beacon using infra-red sensors. Moreover, the 2nd project involved programming a line following a Robot, moving in and out around a track, and at the same time avoiding any obstacles. These projects are quite analogous to a self-driving car. I have also enjoyed going to the iForge, using various machines and tools to build new things.

What do you think about Sheffield as a city?

Sheffield is a very lovely city with friendly people, surrounded by nature and greenery always providing a positive vibe. You can never get bored in a vibrant city like Sheffield, there is always some sort of activity one can get involved in. The peak district is the spotlight of Sheffield, one of the best places to have a time off to study be it for a fun walk with friends or take on an extreme challenge. There are several restaurants and cafes providing numerous options to munch from. I like the fact that the campus is spread around the city.

Have you got any particular academic achievements or extra-curricular achievements you’d like to highlight?

• Recipient of the International undergraduate merit scholarship.

• Member of the squash society and Engineering without borders.

• Team member for project precious plastics, Engineering without Borders (EWB).

What are your ambitions after completing your degree?

The world is currently in a climate crisis with the effects of climate change becoming highly noticeable. I would firstly like to solve this problem by applying my skills to minimize these effects and promote sustainability for the current and future generations. This includes automation within the transport industry as well as using Robotics and AI to improve marine life by using robots to clear out plastic waste from our oceans and other water bodies. My long-term plan is to work in a professional industry and develop current technologies as well as innovate new technologies and systems that will benefit the world in a positive way.

What would you say to a younger student if they are considering studying engineering/science/maths at university?

Follow your passion! There are countless opportunities STEM subjects can provide you with. If this is where your interest lies, there is no reason to think twice about your decision. In the end, your hard work and determination will take you to greater heights and be successful. The university provides loads of opportunities for students academically and extra-curricular as well. Training you to be the best version of yourself and ensuring you are fully equipped with the required skills and knowledge to be an industry fit.