Meet Our International Engineering Ambassador – Malik Haider Ali

Why did you choose your course?

Living within the digital age, the advancement in technology has always enticed my curious mind. Watching the use of robot as a vacuum on TV as a kid to its current use in robot-assisted surgery in order to perform complex procedures with enhanced precision and flexibility has inflamed my curiosity throughout the year, about the inner complexities of these robots and what made them so versatile to be able to reach the level of accuracy and precision otherwise not humanly possible. This has driven me to study mechatronic and robotics engineering as it integrates all branches of engineering allowing me to explore not only the external making of a machine but also its electrical and programming aspect.

What have you enjoyed most about your course so far?

I like my schedule being evenly spread throughout the week, which leaves me enough free time to enjoy my hobbies. The lecturers encourage us to challenge ourselves and take us on an educational journey far beyond the syllabus. The engineering course is at the forefront of research and innovation and being taught by the leaders in the field is truly exciting as they challenge us to develop unique solutions, igniting creativity within us and helping us follow in their brilliant footsteps.

What do you think about Sheffield as a city?

Coming from the concrete jungle of Dubai, the quiet, relaxing, and green city of Sheffield is like a breath of fresh air. Sheffield is almost designed for students from the student friendly accommodation to the variety of different cuisines on London Road and West Street that cater to people from all walks of life. Sheffield is also situated very close to Peak District National Park, the perfect place to enjoy the beautiful sites and get away from the stress of deadlines and soak in the gift mother nature has given us.

Have you got any particular academic achievements or extra-curricular achievements you’d like to highlight?

Before joining Sheffield, I had only heard about people creating robots that surround us but never thought I could ever create one myself but within a few months itself I have also successfully programmed my first robot to clear an obstacle course. Additionally, as a volleyball fan I finally got a chance to actually play it and thanks to the volleyball society I have improved my skills immensely and hope to join the university’s official team soon.

What are your ambitions after completing your degree?

In my final year, I hope to be able to join a pharmaceutical company that specialises in prosthetic technology. Because it has always been my passion to help people who are less fortunate than myself and I hope that the work I do to improve prosthetic technology will better the lives of many such people around the world.

What would you say to a younger student if they are considering studying engineering/science/maths at university?

Do not be afraid to fail, everything in science is made from failing constantly till you finally succeed. So, when you first come to university don’t let the fear of failure stop you from trying new things.

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