Meet Our International Engineering Ambassador – Subashree Mahendra Selvakumar

Why did you choose your course?

After months of shortlisting courses with all my elderly guidance, I got to choose this course as it possess more scope than any other field in the world of technology. Updates and advancements are sunsets and sunrises in Computer science. To evolve more and get enlightened with the progress, Advanced Computer Science acts as a ladder in my career path.

What have you enjoyed most about your course so far?

The diversity of my peers and complex modules are challenging. Everyday in this course is a learning experience. Though we get to form a study group to help ourselves and professors to clarify, you know doubts in computer science is an endless loop. I have loved the group sessions in ethics and lab sessions in most of the modules. Quiz and interactive sessions in between modules make you attentive and aids you from distraction.

What do you think about Sheffield as a city?

Sheffield is the most calm and pleasant city I have seen so far. It has the kindest people and loveliest places to visit. Being an international student, Sheffield feels student friendly and affordable. Whenever bored, you can take the air and feel the serenity with number of parks here and there. Sheffield has the most comfortable cafes which we can use as a co-working space. Oh and libraries, western library for all your academic needs and Central library for the book nerd in you.

Have you got any particular academic achievements or extra-curricular achievements you’d like to highlight?

This question enlightens me to take a badge on the academic profile which I am looking forward to. And on the other hand, i consider being an IEA as an achievement amidst all the engineering minds. I have been an active volunteer in most of the SU activities and performed in the poetry societies ‘Open Mic Night’ which embraces my passion.

What are your ambitions after completing your degree?

I am a person with short term goals. So, completing this course is my priority for now. And if everything goes well, UK has more hubs in which I can gain more experience. Always hoping for the better to happen with fingers crossed.

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