Meet Our International Engineering Ambassador – Shayan Shoaib

Hi everyone. I’m Shayan. I’ve come from Karachi, Pakistan. Pakistan; a country greatly renowned for its beautifully diverse and quaint culture. Classical and folk music, poetry, arts and literature lie at the heart of my country. Karachi, the city I belong to, is the centre of an absolutely extravagant and luxurious night life with expensive cafeterias all over, to maintain a healthy social life. Yet the 100% scrumptious street food of the city takes precedence over all restaurants and cafes out there. I’m a very simple person who finds happiness in the smallest and negligible things life has to offer me. I love making friends and meeting new people. In a nutshell, I love socialising. Food, travelling and exploring (different nations and cultures) are the kind of things I’m passionate about. 

Being a part of this university has transformed me into an extremely professionally responsible person, basically. Participating in different curricular and extracurricular activities and also sometimes heading most of them, has taught me the art of leading and managing enormous groups of people way too easily, without being worried to face any sorts of mismanagements. 

The four most prominent positions which I enjoy as the student of the UoS are: 

  • Secretary of Pakistan Society, 
  • Sheffield Mentor,
  • Computer Science Student Ambassador
  • International Engineering Ambassador

All of this did nothing but made me realise my worth. I managed to discover the hidden talents, which I, despite being in possession of, was unaware of. Managing the Pakistan society, working as a mentor and as an ambassador provides me with the opportunity to interact more and more with people of different cultures residing out there in different regions. Understanding their needs and fulfilling them, gives me great pleasure and satisfaction. Also, it enlarges my social circle and I get the opportunity to become friends with as many people as possible. Hence, yes; being a part of this outstanding institution is a great and unforgettable experience in itself.

Why the University of Sheffield? 

The University of Sheffield was my ultimate choice for two specific reasons: firstly; because of its excellent reputation. Being part of the Russell Group universities, UoS offers students with the best facilities to enhance their university experience not just in academics but in non-academic too. It prepares us in every aspect, to fearlessly face the practical world and difficult challenges it has to offer us. Secondly, the city has a low cost of living. It is one of the cheapest places to live in the UK. Last but not the least; Sheffield is perfectly calm and composed for a peace-loving person like me to dwell in.

Why Software Engineering? 

Software Engineering is one of the most emerging fields in the world. And, for a person as creative as me, it’s the most perfect field to fit in. My curiosity to discover and learn something new every day developed this passion for software engineering in me. Mastering various and quaint aspects of IT and being an expert of the programming language is an art within itself, which I very much willingly and desperately want to get hold of.

Advice for prospective students

This advice is for anyone who thinks this course is an all-time nightmare. Maybe they have a firm belief in the misconception that programming languages are difficult to learn or maybe they are not. However, they may think they won’t manage to learn it because they have no previous computer science background. Trust me, I too did not have a computer science background. Yet I managed to get a hang of it by working extremely hard, by not giving up the will of becoming something and proving myself. It is just a matter of slightly manoeuvring your brain to understand and absorb the entire syllabus content and most important to be focused on achieving an exemplary career.

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