The valuable skills I learnt during my International Foundation Year

By Hasan Shwaish (2nd Year MEng Architectural Engineering)

Coming from Iraq, I spent my first 9 months studying the International Foundation Year course at the University of Sheffield International College. Taking a foundation year was a necessary step to enable me to progress to University, as my education was not deemed equivalent to what is required by the University. I admit that I was slightly upset about having to spend several months studying subjects I thought I was already familiar with… However, I soon discovered that a foundation year is about much more than learning new subjects. It can also be an opportunity to gain very valuable skills that are useful in academic life, and to get introduced to a new environment.

I was most upset about having to take the ‘Academic English Skills’ module – I was thinking ‘Argh.. I already got an 8 in my IELTS exams, I surely don’t have to study more English!’. However, I soon found that I was studying less English grammar, spelling, and pronunciation, but more about how to use the language in a university environment. It was about purposing newly learnt things as much as about learning them. Classes were highly adaptable and teachers were flexible. This meant that the module worked for my colleagues who wanted to learn the basics of the English language, and for me, who wanted to learn the extra skills to help me improve my abilities. I got to learn things like finding sources of knowledge, using the library, reading articles effectively, listening to lectures, taking useful notes and writing very well-structured essays. Needless to say, such skills definitely help a lot with studying at the university, and have helped me keep my marks excellent so far. They have also contributed to me getting a casual job at the University and providing a good service at it – I currently work as a note taker for the University’s Disability and Dyslexia Support Service.

I have mentioned this one module but the ‘skills, not just knowledge’ theme applies to every other module I did. Physics, for example, had an emphasis on things like inferring accuracy, significant figures and understanding the fundamentals of where laws come from and how to use them – something definitely useful for someone wanting to be an engineer. The theory from the physics module links to another module, Academic and Lab Skills, which was built around hands-on skills of using lab equipment, data collection, logging, manipulation and presentation, and report writing. Of course, I could learn things from one module and apply them to another – and this is something I carried with me while studying at the University. 

I would say doing a foundation year gave me a well-rounded package of skills which helped me do my University degree a lot more efficiently and comfortably, and get better marks. I definitely recommend it to whoever is sceptical! My advice to anyone starting their International Foundation Year now is to make the most out of it, and look at every bit of work they do now as an investment that will help them during University. Also explore and have fun – get familiar and comfortable in friendly Sheffield!