Meet Our International Engineering Ambassador – Yean Chee Lim

Why did you choose your course?

My interest in civil engineering was sparked after working at a construction site for several months. However, what really aroused my determination to pursue it as a career was my statics class. Problem-solving, mathematics and designing structures are what I’ve long been interested in and they are all prerequisites of this discipline! Calculating and finding the forces and momentums in trusses, and designing structures are extremely enjoyable. Gigantic infrastructure like the Falkirk Wheel and the ZhangJiajie glass bridge are breath-taking and they all inspired me! It would be a pleasure to gain knowledge in this aspect and work with other architects and engineers to create more majestic infrastructure to stun the world. 

What have you enjoyed most about your course so far?

Working with my peers on hands-on, practical projects such as designing structures and pipe networks are the most enjoyable experiences by far. It taught me to work in teams to resolve problems just like a real engineer.

What do you think about Sheffield as a city?

Being raised in a tropical country with warm, humid weather, Sheffield made me shiver when I first arrived in the autumn. However, the chilly weather can never stop the warm welcome and passion of Sheffield. People from Sheffield are very friendly and helpful. The university is located in the city itself, so it is tremendously safe and convenient to travel around; to the university, to the city centre or other places. Most places are within walking distances or you can use the excellent public transport. 

Have you got any particular academic achievements or extra-curricular achievements you’d like to highlight?

Being one of the very few 18-year-old to study in Year 2 from my country, I would consider myself rather experienced because I have gained skills from different fields including being a construction site coordinator, a secretary and a property manager. Now, I am honourably elected as the IEA and starting my new journey soon. 

What are your ambitions after completing your degree?

I have a dream of building homes since being young. Homes for homeless people and animals. In my country, there are still countless unfortunate people. In the future, I would like to build houses. To build houses that are affordable to the poor, homes to these beggars to find their families, to regain hope and restart their life journey; homes to the animals that are incapable of feeding themselves. With the knowledge I gain in civil engineering, I hope one day, I can work with my interest and achieve my dream. 

What would you say to a younger student if they are considering studying engineering/science/maths at university?

Don’t be afraid. There were rumours about how difficult STEM subjects are compared to other courses. To be honest, other courses encounter their own difficulties and this does not make STEM subjects any harder than the others. Most importantly, education at the University of Sheffield is of a good standard. The lessons are clearly delivered and interactive with pre-lab activities, detailed explanation and vast support from the Students’ Union and the department. Also, UoS provides countless, yes, seriously countless, opportunities for students to work with leading industrial firms and always encourage us to increase our value and competency. You will never regret studying in UoS and we hope to meet you here!

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