Meet Our International Engineering Ambassador – Beatrice Nistor

Beatrice Nistor

My name is Beatrice and I am studying Computer Systems Engineering. I am from Romania, Craiova to be precise. I went to high school, specialising in Maths. I have loved maths and science subjects since I was really young due to my grandfather to who I am very grateful. He introduced me to the world of maths; he was always helping me with my homework, even in high school. I participated in lots of competitions, where I won some significant prizes. I remember that I used to be so happy and proud of myself whenever I won something, such a great feeling!

The reason I chose to study engineering is that I wanted to apply my scientific knowledge to the real world. Also, I always had a passion for building things, and for seeing things created  by my own hand. Engineering is a complex field and it involves combining many skills, but it also requires a lot of passion and enthusiasm. So, I felt that I have the skills and passion for it, taking into consideration my educational background. I chose Computer Systems Engineering because it is the bridge between the world of software where you only have to use your mind and the world of hardware where being hands on is more important.

Why did I choose University of Sheffield? Well, that was a bit difficult. When I was in my final year at high school, I was worried because I didn’t know which university would be the best for me and for my future. I did a lot of research about universities around the world, including universities from Romania. I didn’t have a plan to study outside my country. After a lot of research, I found out about University of Sheffield, one of the best universities in the world for engineering, with great laboratories, the best teachers, great night life, and beautiful people and city. It looked like my kind of place. But I also was thinking about going to Politehnica Bucharest, which was closer to home, lots of my friends were going there, and it’s a really good university in Romania too. So, I applied at the University of Sheffield, but also at the university from Bucharest. I got accepted at both of them. I was not expecting this, so I had a hard time choosing. But finally, I decided that I want to something different and challenging, a little bit out of my comfort zone, so I chose Sheffield. I am really glad I made this choice because I’ve met nice people here, and I’ve learnt things that I would never have learned if I was home in the same environment.

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