The #1 Students’ Union in the UK

Monday, 15 May 2017
Written By: Haseeb Iqbal
Run for the students, by the students! One of the best highlights at the University of Sheffield is the Sheffield Students’ Union which has made its students proud by being ranked as the best SU in the country for NINE YEARS consecutively! So, what is the Students’ Union? And what makes ours better than the rest? Well, you’re about to find out.
The aim of the Students’ Union is to represent all the students at a local and national level, making sure all students are catered for in order to provide them with the best possible student experience throughout their time at Sheffield.
SU Officers
The SU is run by a fantastic team of SU officers which are elected every year by the 26,000 student population of the University of Sheffield. Their job is to make sure that the SU runs smoothly, and to represent the student voice!
Services and Facilities
The SU makes every possible effort that every single student has a wonderful time as a student in Sheffield. Hence, students are provided with a wide range of services in the SU and a few of them are as follows:

SSID: The Student Services Information Desk is your student guide at Sheffield, where the staff is always there to guide you if you are unsure about anything, literally anything!

Student Advice Centre: The SAC aims to provide support to students who are facing any difficulties during their time at Sheffield. Whether it’s mental stress, homesickness, or social anxiety, the SAC always offers a helping hand.

JobShop: This the place where students can go if they’re looking from employment during or after their studies. They are more than happy to assist you in job applications, interviews and even advertise vacancies for students to avail.

Activities and Sports Zone: This is the perfect place for students to get involved within the University, the SU and even the local community. You can choose from a list of activities to go for, all the way for volunteering for a local charity or learning a new language through our ‘Give it a Go’ service.

Box Office: The box office if our one-stop-shop to get tickets for all the events happening around the SU, whether it’s a day trip to Cambridge or a Give it a Go Salsa class.

Film Unit: The Film Unit organizes cheap screenings of both the latest movies and the old classics for a truly catered experience.

Foundry: The Foundry organizes the SU’s very own night outs, hosts competitions like the annual Battle of the Bands and has welcomed quite a few well-renowned DJs over the years. It has also been nominated for the ‘Best Night Outs in Sheffield’ award.
Societies and clubs
The SU also has a list of more than 200 societies ranging from cultural and sports so that all students, regardless of their interests and hobbies, can find a variety of extra-curricular activities and socials to be a part of. However, if you can’t find anything of interest, you can start your very own student society!
With a wonderful range of facilities provided by a friendly group of staff and students, the SU is the pride of all Sheffield students during and even after their time at Sheffield. With a diverse student population and an exposure which is second to none, the SU has provided the perfect platform for all students to gain a variety of skills while having an extraordinary time at Sheffield.
More information about the Sheffield SU:

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