Travel Vibes: LONDON

By: Hemanshi Galaiya

London is not just one of the fashion capitals but also one of the most eccentric cities I have ever come across. After a long trying semester I needed some time to unwind relax and get some change from university life. Hence, I logged onto my computer, booked a last minute bus ticket, packed my bags and headed to the bus station early next morning.

I was taken by the city vibes as soon as the bus hit the London borders. The tall buildings, Victorian architecture and bright sunny day added a cherry to my leisure packed long weekend. I hit the streets as soon as I put my bags down. I decided to spend my days meeting up with friends, feasting to my hearts delight and being a mainstream tourist.

We started with the classic spots and while we were at it, why not take some of the most cliché pictures.

From pretending to make a call at the ‘ancient’ telephone booths to posing in front of the London Eye, from the ‘visiting’ the Queen outside the Buckingham Palace to taking pictures of mimes and m&m models; and from experiencing my first tube ride to going to Lego world.

I spent my second day shopping at spots like Oxford Street and Covent Garden; buying souvenirs and eating pizzas, burgers and everything I could possibly get my hands on – now you know the secret of my puffy cheeks :P.

We then headed to Trafalgar Square where I experienced a moving act of solidarity. Several of the traffic lights shone light to support gender equality, homosexuality and child rights.


On my last day in the city, we packed our gear, took our coats and headed out for a day filled with activities. We headed down to the shopping mall where we spent some quality time at the arcade and have an incredibly competitive bowling game and of course the day included trying a variety of cuisines.

With all said and done I headed back to Sheffield and with a relieved heart, relaxed mind and recharged body all prepared to tackle the new semester.

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