Meet our International Engineering Ambassador – Hemanshi Galaiya

Saturday, 30 January 2016


Born in Kenya; Indian by ethnicity; British by curriculum; and International by choice. Hi, I am Hemanshi Galaiya and I am an International Engineering Ambassador.

19 years ago I embarked on a journey called life. I was born in an Indian family in the exotic country of Kenya; the land of the Masaai’s and yet the home to over 100 different ethnic groups. It is one of the fastest growing nations in the world and yet is world renowned for its wildlife. The land famous for its world class athletes and yet the nation that gave Simba, Rafiki, Timon and Pumba to the world. The land where the people are bound to their soils and yet the place where we have an anti-gravity point.  The country that boosts the world with their daily tea and coffee needs and yet the country where the best meal is home cooked ugali and sukumawiki. Kenya as our national airlines claims is truly ‘the pride of Africa’.

While living in Kenya I was still raised to acknowledge, appreciate and stay true to my roots back in India. Being a hard core Gujarati, I am a total foodie and as the entire India claims, we have both the sweetest language and the sweetest food. My education history on the other hand was always associated with the British Curriculum and at the end of my A-levels, I chose to embark on a different journey; I opted to do Chemical Engineering at the University of Sheffield – a city 10812 km away from my homeland.

One of the first questions people ask me is why I chose this particular career. I read somewhere that a Chemical Engineer is an individual who knows enough Chemistry to confuse a Mechanic; enough mechanics to confuse a Chemist and enough Mathematics to confuse himself.

Now, I don’t mean to prude about my fantasy for complexity – in as much as it is true. The course to me is a straight forward approach to unlocking a lifetime full of opportunities to acquire knowledge of various kinds. It may sound challenging – which it by the way is – but at the same time it is an experience filled with zeal and zest. I believe that chemical engineers are a bridge between the dreams and the realities. When someone comes up with a micro scale idea it becomes our job to turn it into a macro scale reality; and who doesn’t like to play fairy God mother?

The next big question is why I chose Sheffield and in particular the university of Sheffield. I can sum up my decision in 3 words – quality, diversity and adventure. UOS is a hub for quality education – what more could you I ask for when my degree would be IChemi certified and world reckoned for being top notch. To add to that, Sheffield proudly boasts to be the host to students from all over the world. Each day I get the chance to interact with a person from a different part of the world and each time I learn something new about cultures, cities and beliefs across the globe. This has proven to be one of the best features of my university life as it is building me into both a better intellectual and global citizen. Lastly, there is no way one can miss out on all the adventure that UOS has to offer.

There is something for everyone; from nature trails and hiking in the peak district …

… to parties and endless activities in and around the university – Sheffield has it all.

All in all, I would like to say that I am still somewhere in the middle of ‘the journey called life’ and University of Sheffield is proving to be the most enthralling chapter so far.

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Space, Time and Engineering By Hemanshi Galaiya

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