Why choose UK?

Thursday, 5 February 2015

By Usman Sami Khan

The UK is home to a wide array of multicultural individuals, all living together in a nutshell. This diversification leads to people from different communities interacting with one another to live in an environment of peace and harmony. Pakistanis, in particular, are welcomed with great warmth. There are Pakistani societies in many universities across UK, including the Pakistan Society at The University of Sheffield. This makes it particularly easy for Pakistani students to adjust with the new surroundings, away from home. This is one of the major reasons why students, in particular Pakistanis, tend to be more inclined towards the UK as a destination for pursuing higher studies, where they can experience multiculturalism as well as practice their religion in a liberal environment.

The UK is home to the most renowned universities of the world. Such rankings are testament of the fact that UK education standards have been consistently high and universities such as The University of Sheffield are seen as being one of the most prestigious universities in the world – both in terms of education as well as student satisfaction. UK, and in particular The University of Sheffield, is a world leader in terms of research and this success is reflected in the world rankings. All in all, this makes it an ideal place for Pakistani students to pursue higher education as they are exposed to ideas and discoveries in a very open and welcoming environment where they can express their thoughts freely.

The UK also offers a wide range of scholarships to international students. These scholarships are available at both the Undergraduate, as well as at the Postgraduate level. At the Undergraduate level, some of the highly prestigious scholarships being offered include the Pakistan Undergraduate Merit Scholarships at the University of Sheffield. These scholarships tend to be a source of great affinity for students on the lookout for saving some money off from the highly burdensome tuition and living fee all across universities in UK. Some of these scholarships directed towards Pakistani students serve as an incentive for many capable and deserving students to be able to afford world class education abroad at their dream universities. Having personally received the Pakistan Undergraduate Merit Scholarship, it is safe to say that such scholarships can actually change around the finances involved in studying abroad drastically, which is the sole purpose that I have been able to study at The University of Sheffield. (Find more about them here).

UK degrees at the Undergraduate level are also confined to a 3 year programme as opposed to a 4 year programme in other countries, having the benefit of being cost-effective and time efficient. UK degrees are internationally recognized and students have the advantage of being able to work anywhere in the world with a degree from a university in the UK.

The influx of Pakistanis to the UK for higher education is definitely due to an amalgamation of factors which together constitute the various reasons why Pakistanis choose to prefer UK over other countries.  

“Whatever the reason may be, the crux lies in the fact that those students have secured a brighter future for themselves, as well as for the nation that gave them their identity – Pakistan.”

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