Meet our International Engineering Ambassador – Yi Ci Tek

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Name: Yi Ci Tek

Course: MEng Civil and Structural Engineering

Nationality: Malaysian

Hey! Since this is my first post on this blog, allow me to introduce myself a little. My name is Tek Yi Chyn and everyone can call me Tekky. Yeah, I’m an Asian as you all may expect earlier from my name. What doesn’t meet your expectation is that I am actually from Malaysia, a multiracial country consisting of mainly Malays, Chinese and Indians. The large diversity of ethnics in Malaysia enables me to understand people from different background and cultures, which is why I am proud to be a Malaysian. Before arriving in the UK, I studied A-levels in my home country. Fortunately, my result was good enough to be accepted into the University of Sheffield.

Alright, let us get back to our main topic! I am currently studying Civil and Structural Engineering in University of Sheffield which ranked as one of the top in the course’s ranking. Unlike other universities, the University of Sheffield provides an optional placement year for students before completing the undergraduate course. This motivates me to work hard in my studies as well as being active in extra-curricular activities in order to get a placement.  Getting a placement is not easy, however as you paid the price, what you will get in return is priceless.  By having the work experience from a placement year, it is said to be easier to secure a good job after graduating.

As the majority of people may have an impression that Engineering is basically all about science,  I would say this is only partially correct. In Civil Engineering, we study Mathematics, Mechanics, Geotechnical Engineering and Materials Engineering. Other than that, what interests me the most is the design modules in civil engineering course.  During my first semester in first year, I learned how to draw structures using AutoCAD. Initially, it was really difficult, but as you practice more, it becomes much easier and that made me very proud of myself. XD Besides drawing, we got to design bridges in a group. We drew the plan on a paper, constructed the bridge with provided materials and designed a poster to advertise our bridge. The experience was totally worthy and FUN!

To be honest, University of Sheffield wasn’t my first choice. However, I am still grateful that I am able to study in one of the greenest and happiest city in United Kingdom. As University of Sheffield is a city campus, it is rather convenient for students to practice their daily routine, not only attending classes but also getting groceries for survival! The Moor Market, Sainsbury, Iceland and Poundland are just a stone throw away from my current accommodation. Besides that, the Mappin Building (main building for the Faculty of Engineering ) is located near the West Street. For your information, West Street is one of the busiest street in Sheffield because you basically can get everything from there. Everyone loves it!

It is indeed a great opportunity to be able to study in one of the top university and happiest city in UK. I have nothing to conclude but to ask, “Who doesn’t like Sheffield? “

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